Tuesday, 30 June 2015

The Ethics of Spiritual Awareness

Spirit Can Tell Us How to Engage Each Other Ethically

Recently I watched a fascinating video about a remarkable woman named Anna Breytenbach, an "animal communicator," who helped facilitate the healing process of Diabolo, a traumatized black leopard who had suffered at the hands of previous owners.  

Diabolo had been rescued by the Jukani Wildlife Park In South Africa, but despite his improved quality of life, he was not showing any signs of healing, and continued to be angry and unapproachable. Out of concern and desperation, his new caregivers called Anna Breytenbach for help.

Anna was able to communicate to Diabolo how his new caregivers were different from his previous owners and, in turn, was able to understand and explain to his caregivers the big cat's concerns, including his dislike for the name he had been given.

In this way, Anna facilitated an understanding between the humans and the big catwho was thereafter referred to as Spiritand the process of healing began.

Indeed, what Anna did was assist in creating a relationship of ethics and care between the human caregivers and the big cat, Spirit.

Photo of Spirit. Junkani Wildlife Sanctuary

What can we learn, here, about how to create opportunities for engaging the Other ethically in our own lives? 

And by "others", I mean all Others: Human others, such as friends, family, those unfamiliar to us and people from other cultures; and animal others, such as our pets, animals on farms and in captivity, animals used in agriculture, and wild animals; and I mean environmental others, such as forests, wetlands and glacier icecaps.

Anna describes her ability to communicate with animals as a receiving of primarily non-verbal messages in the form of "sudden knowings" and "mental images" that just come to her mind.

Though some might assume that Anna has some form of psychic ability, Anna herself describes her ability as something that has been practiced within some indigenous cultures. And she encourages people to try and communicate with their own animals in the same way, through the receiving and sending of mental images. (See an Interview with Anna here.)

I would suggest that the receiving and expressing of non-verbal messages is something we can all do. Indeed, we do do it ... to varying degrees. Unfortunately, for the most part, we don't do it consciously and/or are out of practice and so don't do it well or make the effort to do it often ... or at least not often enough.

One way in which we can begin to practice our ability to receive and express non-verbal messages is through a concerted effort to attend to our own and other's body language. When in conversation with our friends, we can begin to attend to the subtle movements of their body or face that express feelings and thoughts that are not being spoken.  

Photo by Scott Johnson. Creative Commons License 2.0

People often refrain from saying what they want to say or say things they don't actually mean, but they regularly express what they are really feeling through their body language.  

When we are oblivious to these additional or even contradictory messages from the body, we  cannot respond appropriately to our friend's subtle communications.  Sometimes, we pick up on subtle signs, but cannot or do not bring our observations into conscious awareness, and we respond to them, but perhaps not appropriately.  

It takes a concerted effort to consciously attend to the subtleties of body language and thereby be in a position to choose a response that is most appropriate. Being attentive to the subtle non-verbal expressions of a friend is one way in which we can receive messages that will help guide our response and help us know how to engage the other more ethically.

By extension, it is possible to also see how paying attention to the non-verbal expressions of our environment, such as a sudden change in animal behavior, like dramatic shifts in the biodiversity of wetlands areas, can be heard as a message or even a warning from the environment.  Attending to this message can help us choose to take appropriate action that both responds to the needs of the creatures that live there and protects our shared environment.

Photo by Wendell. Creative Commons Lisence 2.0

These forms of communication are subtle and non-verbal and a heightened attention to these forms of communication can encourage the development of our awareness to even more subtle forms of communication, such as the "sudden knowings" and "mental images" referred to by Anna Breytenbach.

"Spirit" is the source from which we have all emerged. In Spirit, we are Onethough we think of ourselves as individuals who are separate from each other and separate from spirit. We live in the state of what is referred to in Buddhism as "ignorance," which is a state of forgetting or unawareness of our true state of Oneness with spirit.

Because our true state is one of inter-connectedness or Oneness, spirit can be witnessed in every moment of every day ... if we pay attention. 

People often refer to messages from spirit as "receiving a sign." "Signs" come in many forms, and while sometimes these signs are verbal, including things people say to us or even words or expressions that suddenly pop into our minds, they are often non-verbal, like the sudden onset of a feeling, or the strange occurrence of a dream or a synchronicity. The problem is we often dismiss these "signs" as meaningless.

It is necessary to be attentive and open in mind and body in order to receive messages from spirit, and much can be learned from a heightened attention to the phenomena of the world around us.  

Increasing our attention first to the subtle expressions of others around us and then to the even more subtle expressions from spirit can assist us in developing the ability to communicate with Others better. And, thereby, help us to respond appropriately to those others in our life who are most vulnerable, those others who are in most need of being engaged ethically.

The trick is make a concerted effort to bring the phenomena that is happening all around us, within the purview of observation, into the conscious attention of our mind.

For more, please see my books The Land of Happiness: Reflections on a Journey and The Six Realms of Samsara available through my Author's Spotlight

Sunday, 21 June 2015

When Fear and Joy are One

That Inexplicable Feeling That Shakes You to Your Core! 

In 1748, a fearsome storm threatened to shake apart the ship of John Newton, an English sailor, poet and slave trader. Thinking he would soon die, John Newton started to pray, and in the midst of this storm, he had a spiritual conversion. Eventually, his entire life was transformed, and he stopped his involvement in the slave trade and became a strong supporter of the abolitionist movement.

It was John Newton who wrote the well-known hymn Amazing Grace, which describes his spiritual epiphany.

Being within the presence of Grace, he tells us, has a "sweet sound"; it simultaneously teaches our hearts to fear and relieves all our fears.

Hearing these words, I have to wonder, Why does John Newton describe Grace in such a paradoxical way? How can Grace teach us to fear, and still be reassuring and even invoke joy?

Photo by Mark Maxwell. Creative Commons License 2.0

There are stories from many religions that describe this mixture of joy and fear and comfort that happens when someone is in the presence of Spirit. 

One that easily comes to mind is the story of  Jesus's disciples who become terrified during a storm at sea and are reassured by Jesus that they have nothing to fear.

In Mark’s version of the story Jesus is asleep in the boat and the disciples are filled with fear at the ferocity of an approaching storm.  They awaken Jesus, telling him of their fears, and after Jesus calms the storm, he turns to his disciples and asks them, “What are you afraid of?”   (Mark 4: 35-41)  Here, Jesus shows the disciples that he is not afraid of the storm,  that there is no reason to fear, and that he has the power to calm it. Jesus is able to allay all their fears. 

In John’s version of the story, the disciples have gone out in a boat leaving Jesus behind on the shore.  In the midst of a fearsome storm, the disciples see Jesus approaching, walking on the water, and they are terrified.  To calm them, Jesus says, “It is I; Don’t be afraid.”   (John 6: 35-41)  Here, Jesus and the storm, together, are the source of the disciples fear.  The sight of him approaching amidst the storm is  terrifying. Again, Jesus is able to calm the storm and reassure them. 

The above versions of the story tell us that, on this occasion, Jesus's presence, like the presence of Grace experienced by John Newton, made his disciples fearful and yet also calmed their fears.

From these stories, we can understand that in the presence of spirit, fear and joy are one.

I believe that at some point in our lives we will all experience this, perhaps more than once, but whether or not it leads to a spiritual epiphany depends upon our response.

Photo by Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P. Creative Commons License 2.0 

Spirit is always present, but there are times when we are open to experiencing the presence of Spirit in a way that has the potential to dramatically move us along our spiritual path.

Often these "openings" are sparked by a traumatic event in our lives, like a life-threatening experience (such as a terrifying storm at sea), or the onset of an illness, the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or the loss of a career.

When events like these occur, our sense of self can get shaken. It is as if the external death or loss sparks an internal "death" as well. Depending upon the loss we're facing, we might not be able to continue to identify ourselves as, say, a "daughter or son," "wife or husband," or "worker," or at least we might not be able to identify ourselves in these ways as we had before the traumatic event.

Suddenly, a crack appears in the armour of our identity.  Everything we knew about who we are, about who others are in relation to us, and about what we had expected to happen in our future becomes unstable. The permanency of our own sense of self is exposed as an illusion.

Photo by Summer Skyes 11. Creative Commons  License 2.0
What shines through the cracks in our armour is Spirit. 
In Buddhism, nirvana (the state of no self, or what I refer to as spirit) is our true state. It is always already within us, but it is obscured by samsara (the cycle of rebirth), which is experienced by those whose states of mind are affected by the "three poisons"ignorance, grasping and aversion. Identity is an effect of samsara.

We create narratives about who we are and who others are in relation to us as a way of maintaining our sense of individuality, and this process of constructing our identity maintains our ignorance about the source from which we have all emerged.

In other words, our identity is like a suit of armour that we wear, and we think that it protects us. It seems to give us a sense of being in control, though this is an illusion.  And instead of protecting us, our identity armour in fact obscures our true state, which is the state of oneness within spirit. 

 (For a more detailed explanation see First the Self and then the 'Three Poisons'.)

When we are in the throes of those moments in our lives that destabilize our sense of self, the armour of identity we wear is weakened and we become more open to sensing the presence of spirit. Because this feels as if we are losing control, we are fearful.

We must try and remember, just as Jesus tells us, "It is I: Don't be afraid."

Recognizing that being in the presence of spirit can create such paradoxical feelings will hopefully enable us to set aside our fears and let go of control. We can become conduits for the spirit that is trying to shine through, and in this way, discover that spirit removes all of our fears. We will then feel only joy. 

For more, please see my other blog postings by clicking on "older posts" or "newer posts" below, or by visiting my other blog here The Six Realms of Samsara. My books are available through My Author's Spotlight  Thank you!

Friday, 12 June 2015

On Having Compassion & Helping

What Does Acting Through Compassion Look Like?

When I was a little girl, I loved animals ... as most kids do. 

I didn't have any pets of my own (I had five older brothers and my mother said that was enough). Instead, I loved all the pets in my neighbourhood, especially the cats, and I would cuddle any I could catch. I remember that the girl next door had a dog, and I was thrilled when my best friend's hamster had babies. 

Of course, I loved little kittens best of all. Holding kittens was akin to heaven for me, even while they wriggled and mewed to be set free.

© 2015 Lindsey Ann Arnold. All rights reserved.

I also remember that I became quite distressed whenever I came across the bodies of little creatures who had died, like birds or squirrels. My dad told me they were "sleeping," but I knew better, and a few times I ceremoniously laid them to rest under the forsythia bush in our backyard. 

Thinking back on my burial arrangements, I realize I had made some crucial errors. Not wanting the poor, dead creatures to suffer the elements of weather, I lovingly wrapped them in polyester batten and gently placed them in a plastic bag before covering them with freshly dug dirt.

In other words, even though I had a compassionate heart and nothing but good intentions, my actions interfered with what would have been the natural unfolding of the cycle of life. I wanted to help, but in the end I made things a tiny bit worse.

Of course, given that I was a child doing childish things, the "errors" I made were minor. 

As an adult,when I see all the suffering in the world, I am still moved to want to help. But I have to stop and asked myself ... How can I best make a difference? How can I help eliminate suffering? How do I know that what I am doing is the right thing?

A few years ago, while I was volunteering in a beautiful, peaceful and developing Himalayan country, these questions arose for me in very concrete ways. There were many occasions when I became painfully aware of my presence as an "outsider" trying to "help" others who lived within an economic and cultural context that was very different from the one I had always known.

© 2015 Lindsey Ann Arnold. All rights reserved.

I quickly learned that I could not assume my interpretation of any given situation was always correct, nor could I assume my ordinary response was the right response within my new setting. 

 I encountered, for example, children who were happy, healthy and well-cared for, but who were not attending school. Some of these children were working as domestic help.

The country I was in was making significant moves toward improving the quality of life for its people. It had a relatively new public school system and parents were being encouraged to have their young children educated. But it was not required. There were laws regarding child labour, and there were government and police divisions responsible for the welfare of children.

As an educator, coming from a place of economic privilege, my first inclination was to do something to intervene on the behalf of these children. I contemplated using the limited resources available to "rescue" them from illiteracy, which I assumed would limit their future success and happiness.

Fortunately, I had by that time begun to recognize that what might be the right thing to do back home was not necessarily the right thing to do in this very different context. I did not act on my initial compulsion, but instead looked once again at the situation as it truly was.

Every morning, while walking into town, I was greeted by a smiling girl of about seven-years-old who helped do light chores for a nearby household. I often heard her singing in the garden and laughing with the children she was minding. She didn't go to school, but she was clearly being well cared for, lived in a comfortable home, and enjoyed playing with her young charges.

I had to consider the fact that the children I'd observed were not "at risk," and the limited resources that were available to children would be needed for those who were in dire circumstances. I had to recognize that, without a more systemic infrastructure for children's aid, any action I took might actually create an even more impoverished circumstance for those I was trying to "help."

Based on these reflections, I chose not to act.

This does not mean that there aren't situation where something has to be done and action has to be taken. It is a matter of knowing when to act and when not to. 

The spiritual leader of Shia Ismaili Muslims, His Highness the Aga Khan, offers us guidance in these matters. And it is to him that I have turn to for answers to my questions.

The Aga Khan encourages us all to give. He reminds us that giving takes many forms, not just funds but the sharing of time, ideas and professional skills. Volunteers, he says, play a critical role in development around the world.

His Highness the Aga Khan. Photo© 2015 Aga Khan Museum

The Aga Khan teaches us that pluralism is the key to establishing peaceful relations and is "integral to the very definition of genuine quality of life." 

When helping others, it is important to refrain from falling into the trap of believing that our way is the best way. We need to resist the desire to control by setting the standard to which all others must conform.

He teaches us to have patience, and to allow for the eventual unfolding of events that mark change, and to listen. Some things, like the establishment of good governance (which may or may not come in the form of democracy), equality (between the sexes and among groups), and peaceful relations take time.

Change cannot be forced upon another person or society, and actions that attempt to force change are far from helpful. They only serve to increase the suffering.

It is through the combined effort of equalswho meet across differencethat enables true, lasting change.  Cooperation among equals can establish an environment that maintains dignity, encourages and mobilizes creativity, and fosters independence and hope.

The words of His Highness the Aga Khan can be a guiding light for all those who wish to help others in a way that is truly helpful. 

His teachings on volunteerism and more can be found in summary in this selection of quotes from the Aga Khan's speaches.

For more stories about my experience living abroad, please see my book The Land of Happiness: Reflections on a Journey available at my Author's Spotlight

Thank you.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

A Buddhist Blogger Meditates

Quiet Morning Cartoon for Bloggers who Meditate

For more, please see my other blog postings by scrolling up or down here, or by visiting my other The Six Realms of Samsara.  My books are available through My Author's Spotlight  Thank you!

© 2015 Lindsey Ann Arnold. All rights reserved.